The Shadow Returns
Hot on the trail of the infamous missing mask “The Scarlet Shadow”, Private Detective Ellen Granger has found herself in some very hot water. It’s up to you to pick though her diary, research and case files and solve the fiendish puzzles contained within. Can you save her before it’s too late?
The Shadow Returns is a digital puzzle game that can be played entirely at home. All you need is a PC/laptop/tablet (or any device that can open PDF documents), an internet connection and your best detectives hat. You’ll need to follow the story across the world and solve the puzzles as you go, with each one getting closer to rescuing poor Ellen Granger.
How exactly does it work?
The game comes in a ZIP folder for ease of downloading. Inside are all the files required to play the game – there are no hidden costs or paywalls at any point. The bulk of the game consists of a number of PDF documents, each one representing a global location. Each PDF is password protected – your job is to get them open, examine the case files and notes inside, follow the story and solve the puzzles. In doing so, you’ll find the password to the next location – allowing you to trek across the globe and track down our missing hero from the comfort of your living room!
Some basic computer knowledge is required to download, unzip the files and open the PDFs. The ability to research things online will be a big aid. The key thing you’ll need is a mind for some puzzle-based fun and an inquisitive nature!
How long will it take to complete?
The short answer is “it depends”. It depends on how many people are playing together and how experienced they are with this kind of game.
We would expect very experienced puzzle-solvers to complete the game in 3 or 4 hours, with less experienced players to be finished in 6 to 8 hours. It can be an evenings entertainment, or something to pick up and put down over the course of a week. How fast you want to move through it is up to you though.
The following button will take you to SellWire, where you can securely buy and download the game!
Good luck!